MuslimARC in Detroit

the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative: Education for Liberation

ARCHouse Progress

Thanks to a generous donor, you can help unlock $5k toward the rehab! Donate to our Eid Matching Campaign here.

Donate $1688 to have a tile with your name, org, business, etc. listed! Learn about the 50 Tiles campaign.

Check out ARCHouse rehab progress pictures here.


Past Events in Detroit

2018 Michigan Gala

A MuslimARC evening of culture, storytelling, and more.

The 2018 Michigan Gala featured delicious food, calligraphy and henna for guests, spoken word, a cappella, news about the ARCHouse and other MuslimARC programs, and our 4th annual racial justice awards! We hosted poet Tariq Touré and singing duo Straingth N Wizdumb for a spectacular evening of diversity and inspiration.


DART 2018

The 2018 Detroit Anti-Racism Training was held on August 4th at Wayne State University Law School.


Detroit Urban Justice Forum

Our 2018 community forum was held in the evening after DART. Detroit Urban Justice featured panelists discussing what "revitalization" means in the context of Detroit's neighborhoods, people, and natural resources.

The community forum was held on August 4th from 7-9:30 pm at Wayne State University Law School and was open to the public.


Black Muslims Black Lives Roundtable

We hosted a closed door convening on police brutality for Black leaders on Sunday, August 5th.


2017 Crowdfunding for the ARCHouse


Our 2017 ioby campaign is here:


House Gala 2017: Uniting for Justice


Thank you to our 2017 House Gala attendees for raising 30% of the funds needed for the ARCHouse


Rights at Risk: Black Muslims at the Intersections


We hosted RAR participants from across the country in Detroit last year


Did you attend DART 2017? We want your feedback. Click below for the Evaluation Form:



2016 Michigan ARCircle


Thank you to our host and guests who attended our first Michigan-based community event!



Create. Connect. Cultivate.

The Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (MuslimARC) is a racial justice education organization. MuslimARC has reached 10,000 people on the ground in 30 states and hundreds of thousands of people online worldwide since launching in 2014.

Visit our main website at
